| Estado nutricional, insulino-resistencia y perfil lipidico durante el embarazo Heuer, Paola Ver Cita | Ver Registro | Texto completo (PDF) Heuer, Paola
Estado nutricional, insulino-resistencia y perfil lipidico durante el embarazo / Heuer, Paola. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2020-09-10. 9 paginas. Registro del documento | Título: | Estado nutricional, insulino-resistencia y perfil lipidico durante el embarazo | Autor(es): | Heuer, Paola | Descripción: | Fil: Heuer, Paola. Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud – Fundación Barceló. Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnologia; Argentina. | Resumen: | El embarazo presenta cambios metabólicos que promueven el crecimiento del tejido adiposo al comienzo del mismo, que llevan a una insulinorresistencia. Además la madre presenta una adaptación metabólica para suplir los requerimientos del feto que llevan a un aumento de lípidos circulantes. | Descriptores: | | Fecha: | 2020-09-10 | Formato: | application/pdf | Extensión: | 9 paginas | Idioma: | spa | Lugar: | 1020049, Santo Tomé (inhabited place) | Sede: | Santo Tome | Carrera: | MEDICINA | Notas: | Proyecto de investigación |
| Lutzomyia longipalpis Presence and Abundance Distribution at Different Microspatial Scales in an Urban Scenario Heuer, Paola Ver Cita | Ver Registro | Texto completo (PDF) Heuer, Paola
Lutzomyia longipalpis Presence and Abundance Distribution at Different Microspatial Scales in an Urban Scenario / Heuer, Paola. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2020-02-04. Registro del documento | Título: | Lutzomyia longipalpis Presence and Abundance Distribution at Different Microspatial Scales in an Urban Scenario | Autor(es): | Heuer, Paola | Descripción: | Fil: Heuer, Paola. Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud – Fundación Barceló. Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnologia; Argentina. | Resumen: | The principal objective of this study was to assess a modeling approach to Lu. longipalpis distribution in an urban scenario, discriminating micro-scale landscape variables at microhabitat and macrohabitat scales and the presence from the abundance of the vector. For this objective, we studied vectors and domestic reservoirs and evaluated different environmental variables simultaneously, so we constructed a set of 13 models to account for microhabitats, macro-habitats and mixed-habitats. We captured a total of 853 sandflies, of which 98.35% were Lu. longipalpis.We sampled a total of 197 dogs; 177 of which were associated with households where insects were sampled. Positive rK39 dogs represented 16.75% of the total, of which 47% were asymptomatic. Distance to the border of the city and high to medium density vegetation cover ended to be the explanatory variables, all positive, for the presence of sandflies in the city. All variables in the abundance model ended to be explanatory, trees around the trap, distance to the stream and its quadratic, being the last one the only one with negative coefficient indicating that the maximum abundance was associated with medium values of distance to the stream. The spatial distribution of dogs infected with L. infantum showed a heterogeneous pattern throughout the city; however, we could not confirm an association of the distribution with the variables assessed. In relation to Lu. longipalpis distribution, the strategy to discriminate the micro-spatial scales at which the environmental variables were recorded allowed us to associate presence with macrohabitat variables and abundance with microhabitat and macrohabitat variables. Based on the variables associated with Lu. longipalpis, the model will be validated in other cities and environmental surveillance, and control interventions will be proposed and evaluated in the microscale level and integrated with socio-cultural approaches and programmatic and village (mesoscale) strategies. | Descriptores: | | Contribuidores: | Santini, Maria Soledad; Utges, Maria Eugenia; Berrozpe, Pablo; Manteca Acosta, Mariana; Casas, Natalia; Salomon, O. Daniel | Fecha: | 2020-02-04 | Formato: | application/pdf | Idioma: | eng | Lugar: | 1020049, Santo Tomé (inhabited place) | Sede: | Santo Tome | Carrera: | MEDICINA | Notas: | Trabajo de investigación publicado |