 | Acute infusion of angiotensin II regulates organic cation transporters function in the kidney: its impact on the renal dopaminergic system and sodium excretion Fernandez, Belisario Enrique; Choi, Marcelo Roberto Ver Cita | Ver Registro | Texto completo (PDF) Fernandez, Belisario Enrique; Choi, Marcelo Roberto
Acute infusion of angiotensin II regulates organic cation transporters function in the kidney: its impact on the renal dopaminergic system and sodium excretion / Fernandez, Belisario Enrique; Choi, Marcelo Roberto. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2020-10-27. 13 paginas. Registro del documento | Título: | Acute infusion of angiotensin II regulates organic cation transporters function in the kidney: its impact on the renal dopaminergic system and sodium excretion | Autor(es): | Fernandez, Belisario Enrique; Choi, Marcelo Roberto | Descripción: | Fil: Fernandez, Belisario Enrique. Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud – Fundación Barceló. Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnologia; Argentina. | Resumen: | A close relationship between angiotensin II (ANG II) and the renal dopaminergic system (RDS) has been reported. Our aim was to study whether renal dopamine and ANG II can interact to modify renal sodium handling and then to elucidate the related mechanism. Anesthetized male Sprague–Dawley rats were used in experiments. ANG II, exogenous dopamine, and decynium-22 (or D-22, an isocyanine that specifically blocks electrogenic organic cation transporters, OCTs), were infused in vivo for 120 min. We analyzed renal and hemodynamic parameters, renal Na+, K+-ATPase levels, OCT activity, and urinary dopamine concentrations. We also evaluated the expression of D1 receptor, electroneutral organic cation transporters (OCTNs), and OCTs. ANG II decreased renal excretion of sodium in the presence of exogenous dopamine, increased Na+, K+-ATPase activity, and decreased the urinary dopamine concentration. D-22 treatment exacerbated the ANG II-mediated decrease in renal excretion of sodium and dopamine urine excretion but did not modify ANG II stimulation of Na+, K+- ATPase activity. The infusion of ANG II did not affect the expression of D1 receptor, OCTs, or OCTNs. However, the activity of OCTs was diminished by the presence of ANG II. Although ANG II did not alter the expression of D1 receptor, OCTs, and OCTNs in renal tissues, it modified the activity of OCTs and thereby decreased the urinary dopamine concentration, showing a novel mechanism by which ANG II decreases dopamine transport and its availability in the tubular lumen to stimulate D1 receptor. This study demonstrates a relationship between ANG II and dopamine, where both agents counteract their effects on sodium excretion. | Descriptores: | | Fecha: | 2020-10-27 | Formato: | application/pdf | Extensión: | 13 paginas | Idioma: | eng | Lugar: | 7006287, Buenos Aires (inhabited place) | Sede: | Buenos Aires | Carrera: | MEDICINA | Notas: | Trabajo de investigación publicado |
 | Fisiopatología de la hipertension arterial y la inflamación renal y vascular provocada por dietas con soobrecarga de fructosa y sal. Alteraciones moleculares desencadenadas por los iones cloruro y sodio y la sobrecarga de fructosa en la dieta Roson, Maria Ines; Kouyoumdzian, Nicolas Martin Ver Cita | Ver Registro | Texto completo (PDF) Roson, Maria Ines; Kouyoumdzian, Nicolas Martin
Fisiopatología de la hipertension arterial y la inflamación renal y vascular provocada por dietas con soobrecarga de fructosa y sal. Alteraciones moleculares desencadenadas por los iones cloruro y sodio y la sobrecarga de fructosa en la dieta / Roson, Maria Ines; Kouyoumdzian, Nicolas Martin. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2020-12-22. 21 paginas. Registro del documento | Título: | Fisiopatología de la hipertension arterial y la inflamación renal y vascular provocada por dietas con soobrecarga de fructosa y sal. Alteraciones moleculares desencadenadas por los iones cloruro y sodio y la sobrecarga de fructosa en la dieta | Autor(es): | Roson, Maria Ines; Kouyoumdzian, Nicolas Martin | Descripción: | Fil: Roson, Maria Ines. Instituto Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud – Fundación Barceló. Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnologia; Argentina. | Resumen: | Se desconoce el papel del anión cloruro en los efectos deletéreos del consumo excesivo de sal y si sus efectos son independientes de la presencia del sodio. | Descriptores: | | Fecha: | 2020-12-22 | Formato: | application/pdf | Extensión: | 21 paginas | Idioma: | spa | Lugar: | 7006287, Buenos Aires (inhabited place) | Sede: | Buenos Aires | Carrera: | MEDICINA | Notas: | Proyecto de investigación |